Own Research

During my research I will use Surveys and Location Recces as my primary research and Statistics from the internet as Secondary Research. In my location recces I when to The cathedral, The Curible Theatre, The Lyceum Theatre, Ponds Forge Sports Centre, The Winter Gardens and the Sheffield Train Station. At these locations we looked at the areas lighting and the areas where we could possibly film. As the locations may have restrictions in the area where we may not be able to film or work. At these locations we also took lots of photos to keep the locations and ideas in a safe location as this means that we can work with the ideas we collected and make the overall product better and have more detail to it. At the Catherdral the front of the building was the best for filming as the light was the best and it had a large space in which we could film in. The front of the Crucible and Lyceum were the best to film in as they have good light and views of the building. Ponds forge did have any good angles as the size of the building means you can’t get it in the picture. The best view of the train station is from the front and you can see all the building and the area is large eough to get various shots.

The Catherdral:Catherdral 3

The Crucible:Crucible 2

The Station:

Train Station 1

The Lyceum:

Crucible 1.jpeg

Ponds Forge:

Ponds Forge 3

The Winter Gardens:

Winter Gardens 1

We also use surveys to collect data in which we asked:

  1. Favourite Place in Sheffield and Why?
  2. Do you work in Sheffield?
  3. What do you think of the Public Transport in Sheffield?
  4. What do you think to the standard of Schooling in Sheffield?
  5. What do you Think of the Facilites in Sheffield?
  6. Would you recommend Sheffield?

This gives us a large range of ideas and imformation which we can use to improve the accuracy of the promotional video and the quality of the imformation used. These research techniques mean that the promtional video is high quality and relivent. These questions also mean that the we know peoples favorite locations and the why they like these places. The survey wasn’t a useful technique as it didn’t give us any imformation that we could use.

The secondary research I have conducted is the use of the internet to find reviws and other things on websites such as trip adviser which gives us lists of what is good in the city and the reasons for these places being popular. We used this imformation to go and do our location recces and this means that the location recces we did had more accuracy and relevence. We found that Trip  adviser was the most useful wbsite as it give us lots of popular locations. We also used some existing promotional films about different cities as well as Sheffield to get ideas on how to strucure the film and used the Sheffield one to help find location where we could film and ideas on what to talk about in the film. These films help us find lots of useful locations and techniques for filming these locations and others.

One thought on “Own Research

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  1. Luke, in this blog post write down all your research findings from the primary and secondary research you do. Aim to complete writing up your research findings by the end of this week or during the half term break. The deadline is Monday 6th Nov.


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