Completed Product & Evaluation

The camera work at the start is very shaky and doesn’t have a professional look this removes some quality and lowers the production value of the film. As the film progresses the use of the go pro shots and static tri-pod shots help to improve the quality of the overall film and the professional quality is also increased. At the time 0:43 the moving shot isn’t very good as its shaky and in slightly out of focus and doesn’t fit with the aesthetic. As the film progresses further the camera work stays at similar level and this helps keep consistency through the entire film better. Towards the end of the film the use of the panning shots show the bike and the surroundings better with the cameras movement. Other people who also watched the film said that at various different points the camera work was shaky and jittery. However they also said that the shots were well composed and clean through most of the film. They also said that the Go Pro shots didn’t match up cleanly and could have looked better. One person said “The shot of the sign beginnings was shaky. You could have used a tri-pod to ensure that didn’t happen” which I agree with as its shakier most of the other shots and doesn’t look professional and means that its hard to focus on the subject which lowers the production value of the film.

The sound design at the start is ok as the sound of the formula 1 car over the titles leads into the narration and the footage behind it fits well and keeps the consistency through the start. The narration is well recorded and clear which shows the quality of the audio in this part of the film. As the film progresses the music on the film is not as fitting as it could as it has points where it doesn’t match with the visuals as it slows down whilst the visuals are still fast. As the film progresses the drop of the music at the end of the visuals fit well. The narration at the end is also very clear and well done this also helps the films quality.  The same group who also comment on the sound design. They said that the narration at the start and the end was professional and well produced. They also said that the music mixed well with the shots. However they also said that the music just cuts off and should fade. Another person says ” The music just cuts off in an odd way after the montage.” Which it does and could have had a longer fade to smooth off the transition

The editing of the film at the start of the isn’t very complex and could be better. As the film progresses the speed of the edit increase the speed of the film and makes the bike seem to travel further in a shorter amount of time and make it look like its going faster than it is. The transition between the surfaces is well done and is done near seamlessly and helps the film flow quickly and smoothly. At the end of the film the fade to the wing suiting is a good transition between the visuals. However this transition is over used in the film and if other transitions had been used it would have added another variation on the film. When commenting on the editing some people thought that pace of the editing which is used to quicken up the bike and the film as a whole. They also said that editing fits to the beat of the music. One person said that “The sound is good and fits with the editing of the beat.” This is true for the center part of the as it fits to the beat well and is quick cuts which also helps speed up the edit of the film and show the speed quicker in the final variation of the film.

The overall production values of the film are good as most of the footage is in focus and clear. The footage is well exposed and the aperture is correct the on majority of the shots in the film. The audio is clear all the way through which shows that the levels of the audio is correct and the volume isn’t to loud on the film and doesn’t over power the visuals on the screen by being to loud. The film has good colours and is properly graded as the colours of the grass are matching shot to shot and the sky also matches in the shots. However at some points of the film the colour grade has too much contrast between the greens and the blacks the prime example of this is at 0:57 in the bottom left corner of the screen. The exposure on most of the shots is good as they are well exposed however some of the shots are slightly over exposed. Some of the shots are also out of focus slightly which lowers the production values of the film as its less professional and doesn’t look as good as if the footage was in focus and clearer. For example the shot between the 0:43 and 0:45 is out of focus and is also very shaky and isn’t very good. Another example is at 0:58 the stop on the camera is shaky and has a hard jolt and moves back in the opposite direction quickly and doesn’t look very good, the shot is also out of focus slightly and is probably one of the worst shots of the film. The locations also help with the production values of the film

Overall I think that the film is good as the rational and concept of the film fit with the film as it sticks to the idea of the contrast and to create an interest in something that not many people are interested in. Also the story of the film is well is showed through the use of the of the footage and the narration. The angles and openness of the shots also helps this by opening the shots up and showing it more clearly. This film is shot well and has many well composed shots as well as the shots being very similar to what you typical get in videos of this type and style. However some are over exposed and out of focus which devalues the films quality. The audio is clean and clear with the narration being very clear and well recorded. The music is clear and fits with the visuals and cuts as they are lined up to the beat. The editing is fast and fits with the style of editing that I researched. The hard, fast cuts help keep it inline with the beat and to increase the pace of the video to show the speed of the bike better than other styles of the editing. The overall quality of the film is good and is in high quality and looks good with the colours being vibrant and this means that the other colours on the bike stand out.

The direction of the film is good as the shots in the film are what we wanted and on the set. The shots fit to the AV script and the idea. The shots that I got were clear but could have been better as they are over exposed or out of focus. But the fact that we got the shots shows good direction as the shoot days were productive and well-organized. Also the accuracy of the film to the AV script also shows this. The location and the difficulties getting the bike there was also a hindrance getting up the hill which wasn’t good as it put strain on crew and caused unnecessary stress.

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